Expression pedal
An expression pedal is an important control found on many musical instruments including organs, electronic keyboards, and pedal steel guitar. The musician uses the pedal to control different aspects of the sound, commonly volume. Separate expression pedals can often be added to a guitar amplifier or effects unit and used to control many different aspects of the tone. Because the source of power with a pipe organ and electronic organs is not generated by the organist, the volume of these instruments has no relationship with how hard its keys or pedals are struck; i.e., the organ produces the same volume whether the key or pedal is depressed gently or firmly. Moreover, the tone will remain constant in pitch, volume, and timbre until the key or pedal is lifted, at which point the sound stops. The expression pedal gives the organist control over the external source of power, and thus the volume, of the instrument, while leaving the user's hands free. This system of dynamic control is completely distinct from the act of adding stops (in the case of pipe organs) or pulling more drawbars (in the case of organs and synthesizers). Furthermore, the expression pedal can...
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